Time Off Requests

Learn how to submit and delete time-off requests for a salaried employee.

Select each of the tabs to learn more about submitting and deleting time-off requests.

Submit a Time-off Request


How to Delete Time Off Requests for the Current Pay Period

This job aid outlines the process for removing time off requests for a salaried employee.

Part A - The salaried employee will need to perform the following steps:

  1. From the My Schedule tile (on the Home Page) > select the date range listed underneath My Schedule.
  2. On the upper right-hand side, select the Requests tab.
  3. Find the request and select the More  option.
  4. Click Cancel Request.

Part B - The salaried employee will need to direct the manager to complete the following steps:

  1. From the Manage Schedule tile (on the Home Page) > select Full Schedule.
  2. On the upper right-hand side > click the calendar icon  > click Select Range.
  3. Enter in the applicable Start and End date of the employee’s time off request and select Apply.
  4. Right click on the pay code located in the Schedule (the pay code will display Cancel Submitted in red) and select Approve.
  5. The purple punch has been removed from the salaried employee’s timecard.

Approved cancelled time off